EV Charging Cost: Cost of Charging an Electric Vehicle at Home

This article from EV Infotain will provide a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about charging your electric vehicle at home.

19 Min Read
Charging EV at Home

The Cost of Charging an Electric Vehicle at Home in India

Buying an electric car lets you avoid rising fuel costs. Apart from being more cost-effective to maintain, EVs are also environmentally friendly. Nonetheless, concerns about the EV charging cost make some people hesitant to buy one. Fortunately, with advancements in electric vehicle technology, charging your electric car at home is now a breeze. 

By using an EV home charger, you can conveniently achieve a full charge overnight while you sleep soundly. Alternatively, you can opt for a fast charger to recharge your electric car within a couple of hours.

This article from EV Infotain will provide a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about charging your electric vehicle at home.

Charging an Electric Car at Home: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Install a dedicated electric car home charging station with professional assistance.
  • Choose a charging point for your hardwired charger that offers convenient access to your EV.
  • Take advantage of your charger’s fast-charging capacity and built-in features for a smoother charging process.
  • Plug in your charger overnight to ensure a fully charged EV by morning.
  • If needed, top up your EV’s battery with a quick charge during the day.

What are the Essentials to Understand About Home EV Charging?

Home EV charging involves the process of connecting your electric vehicle to an electrical outlet to charge its battery. The charging time required can vary depending on factors such as the size of the battery and the specific charging equipment being used.

There are two main types of charging options available for EVs: Level 1 and Level 2. 

Level 1 charging is the slower option but requires minimal additional equipment. It utilizes a standard household power outlet along with the charging cable that comes with your EV. However, due to its slower charging rate, it can take up to 20 hours to fully charge the battery. As a result, Level 1 charging is commonly used for overnight charging, allowing the vehicle to be fully charged by the next morning.

On the other hand, Level 2 charging offers a faster and more efficient charging experience. It requires a 240-volt outlet and the installation of a dedicated Level 2 charging station in your home. This charging station allows you to charge your EV up to six times faster than Level 1 charging. With Level 2 charging, you can typically expect a full battery charge within a range of four to eight hours, depending on the specific vehicle and its battery capacity.

Both Level 1 and Level 2 charging options provide convenient ways to charge your electric vehicle at home. The choice between the two depends on your charging needs, available equipment, and desired charging time.

How Much Time Is Required to Charge an Electric Car at Home?

The time required to charge an electric car can vary between 30 minutes and 12 hours, primarily depending on the charging speed and the battery size of the vehicle.

For instance, a typical 60 kWh EV battery takes approximately 8 hours to charge from 0 to 100 percent when using a 7 kW charging point.

With a 50 kW fast charger, you can add around 160 km of range to your EV in just 35 minutes of charging.

However, it’s important to note that slow charging points and larger car batteries can extend the overall charging duration.

What Are The Factors That Can Slow Down Your Home EV Charging Speed?

When it comes to charging your electric car at home, several factors can influence the charging speed. Here are five key aspects to consider:

  • Battery Size: The larger the capacity of your EV battery, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), the longer it will take to charge compared to smaller batteries.
  • Battery Charge Level: Charging an empty battery to full capacity takes more time than topping up a partially charged battery from, let’s say, 50 percent.
  • Vehicle’s Maximum Charging Rate: The charging speed is limited by the maximum charging rate of your vehicle. If your EV has a maximum charging rate of 7 kW, connecting it to a 22 kW charging point won’t make it charge any faster.
  • Charger’s Maximum Charging Rate: The charging duration is also influenced by the maximum charging rate of your charger. For instance, a 7 kW charger can’t deliver a charging rate higher than 7 kW to an EV with an 11 kW battery.
  • Environmental Conditions: The charging speed can be affected by environmental factors, such as weather conditions. Charging an EV may take longer in cold weather, especially when using rapid chargers, due to decreased battery efficiency in low temperatures.

Understanding these factors will help you manage your expectations and optimize the charging process for your electric vehicle at home.

How Often Should You Charge Your Electric Car at Home?

Charging an electric vehicle at home follows a similar approach to charging other electronic devices like smartphones or laptops. You have the flexibility to plug in your car whenever necessary.

To maintain a convenient charging routine, it is advisable to avoid letting your EV’s battery discharge to 0 percent. Instead, topping up the battery regularly is recommended. A practical approach is to plug in the charger overnight, ensuring a fully charged battery by the morning. This practice grants you the freedom to have your car prepared for unexpected journeys that may arise.

By adopting this charging habit, you can ensure that your electric vehicle remains ready for use whenever you need it, providing you with peace of mind and optimal convenience.

What Are The Factors That Influence The Frequency of EV Charging at Home?

The frequency of charging your electric vehicle (EV) battery at home depends on several key factors. Here are the factors that affect how often you need to charge your EV:

  • Battery Capacity: The capacity of your EV battery plays a crucial role in determining the charging frequency. Lower-capacity batteries tend to discharge more quickly than higher-capacity ones, necessitating more frequent charging sessions.
  • Daily Vehicle Usage: The frequency of charging is closely linked to how often you use your EV daily. The more you drive, the more frequently you will need to charge the battery to ensure it has sufficient power for your subsequent journeys.
  • Daily Vehicle Usage: The frequency of charging is closely linked to how often you use your EV daily. The more you drive, the more frequently you will need to charge the battery to ensure it has sufficient power for your subsequent journeys.
  • Overnight Charging: Opting for overnight charging provides the advantage of having a fully charged EV battery in the morning. This reduces the need to rely on public charging stations for top-ups during the day.
  • Climate Conditions: Cold weather conditions can affect the rate at which EV batteries lose their charge. In colder climates, EVs may require more frequent charging sessions to compensate for the faster discharge rate caused by the lower efficiency of batteries in cold temperatures.

What are the Equipments Required for Charging EVs at Home?

When it comes to home EV charging, the necessary equipment depends on the level of charging you opt for.

Level 1 Charging: For Level 1 charging, all you need is the charging cable that comes with your EV. It can be plugged into a standard household power outlet.

Level 2 Charging: To utilize Level 2 charging, you will require a Level 2 charging station. There are various brands and models available in the market, and EV charger manufacturers also offer their own home charging solutions. Additionally, you might need to have an electrician install a 240-volt outlet if you don’t have one already.

How to Install an EV Charging Station at Home: A Step-by-Step Guide

To ensure accuracy and safety, it is recommended to enlist the help of a professional when installing an electric vehicle (EV) charging station at home. Here’s a step-by-step guide to assist you in the installation process:

Step 1: Purchase an EV home charger that is compatible with your vehicle’s battery capacity.

Step 2: Assess the designated installation area to ensure it meets the required technical safety standards.

Step 3: Verify that your home’s electric service can handle the load of the EV charger. If necessary, contact your local electricity department to increase the supply limit.

Step 4: Request the electrician to create space on the electric panel for a circuit breaker dedicated to the EV charger.

Step 5: Install and thoroughly test the charger’s wiring to ensure it meets safety standards before commencing any EV charging at home.

How to Estimate the Cost of Charging an Electric Car at Home?

The EV charging cost at home depends on two key factors:

  • Battery Capacity: The battery capacity of your electric car plays a significant role in determining the EV charging cost. Electric vehicles in India typically have battery capacities ranging from 20 kWh to 45 kWh.
  • Cost per Unit of Energy: The cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour (kWh) from your electric service provider influences the overall charging expense. In India, the average cost per kWh is approximately between Rs. 8 and Rs. 10, varying by state.

You can also utilize a formula to estimate the cost of charging your electric car, which can provide a more precise calculation. The formula is as follows:

Cost to Charge = (Car Range / Range per kWh) x Cost per kWh

To determine the EV charging cost using this formula, divide the car’s range in miles by its range per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Then, multiply this result by the specific cost per kWh to obtain an estimate of how much it will cost to charge your electric vehicle.

By applying this formula, electric vehicle owners can have a more accurate understanding of the charging expenses they can expect based on their car’s range, range per kWh, and the cost per kWh of electricity in their area.

Tips to Reduce the EV Charging Cost at Home

Managing the cost of charging your electric vehicle (EV) at home can be beneficial. Here are some tips to help you minimize your charging expenses:

Match the Charging Rate with the Battery Capacity: When selecting an EV charger, ensure that its maximum charging rate aligns with your vehicle’s maximum charging rate. Avoid purchasing a charger with a higher capacity than what your EV requires, as it would waste energy. Opt for a compatible charger that meets your vehicle’s needs.

Consider a Fast Charger: If your electric car supports fast charging, investing in a fast charger can be advantageous. Compared to regular chargers, fast chargers significantly reduce charging times, typically taking only 2 to 5 hours to fully charge an EV battery. This can help optimize charging efficiency and potentially lower costs.

What are the Different Types of Home EV Chargers?

There are different types of EV home charging stations available, each offering varying charging speeds and capabilities. Here are three common types:

  • Rapid EV Chargers: Rapid chargers are the fastest home charging stations for electric cars. They utilize high-power AC or DC charging to quickly charge an EV battery. Depending on the vehicle, a rapid charger can charge the battery from 0 to 80 percent in approximately 20 minutes. However, it’s important to note that charging speed reduces after reaching 80 percent to protect the battery. Rapid chargers are typically designed for EVs with rapid-charging compatibility and are available as hardwired units.
  • Fast EV Chargers:Fast chargers operate on AC and are commonly used for home EV charging. The charging speed depends on the charger’s capacity and the vehicle model. Typically, fast chargers provide a charging rate of either 22 kW or 7 kW. A 7 kW fast charger can fully charge a 40 kWh EV battery in approximately 4 to 6 hours, while a 22 kW fast charger can achieve the same in just 1 to 2 hours. It’s important to ensure that your EV’s battery is compatible with the chosen charging station. Both portable and hardwired options are available for fast EV chargers.
  • Regular EV Chargers: Regular chargers are the most common type of home EV charging station. They offer a slower charging speed compared to fast chargers. With a charging rate between 3 kW and 6 kW, regular chargers typically take around 8 to 12 hours to fully charge an electric vehicle from 0 to 100 percent. Overnight charging is often the preferred approach when using regular chargers. You can choose between portable and hardwired options for regular EV chargers.

What are the Benefits of Charging Your Electric Car at Home?

Charging your electric car at home offers several advantages compared to relying solely on public charging stations. Here are the key benefits:

  • Convenience: With a home EV charger, you have the convenience of charging your vehicle whenever it suits you best. You can skip the trips to public charging stations and the potential waiting time, as you can simply plug in your car and attend to other tasks while it charges. Having a fully charged EV at home means you’re always ready for spontaneous trips without the need to seek out a charging point.
  • Faster Charging: Home EV chargers, especially fast chargers, provide quicker charging compared to many public stations. With a fast charger at home, you can achieve a quick top-up in as little as 20 to 45 minutes, or a full charge in about 4 to 7 hours, depending on the charging rate. This saves valuable time that would otherwise be spent on traveling to a public station and waiting for your turn to charge.
  • Improved Battery Life: Keeping your EV battery fully charged at home contributes to longer battery life. Quick top-ups at public charging stations may lead to faster battery degradation while maintaining a consistent charge level at home can help slow down the rate of battery efficiency loss. By charging at home, you can extend the lifespan of your EV battery.
  • Compatibility: Home charging stations offer compatibility with your specific electric vehicle, taking into account factors such as maximum charging capacity and the charging requirements of your EV’s battery. This eliminates the need to search for public charging stations that match your vehicle’s brand and battery capacity.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, when considering the EV charging cost at home in India, it is evident that the expenses are significantly lower compared to driving on gasoline. 

Whether you opt for public charging or home charging, it’s important to note that the cost of home charging can be up to half the price. Not only does home charging save you money, but it also brings added benefits such as being more environmentally friendly and convenient. 

By choosing to charge your EV at home, you not only enjoy cost savings but also contribute to a greener future while enjoying the ease and accessibility of charging on your own terms. 

For more valuable insights and information about electric vehicles, be sure to check out the EV Infotain Blog.

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