The Ultimate Guide to Electric Car Depreciation

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As the shift to electric vehicles looms, you might be contemplating the fate of your current vehicle. Is it a good idea to sell your petrol car and switch to electric? Will the value of an electric car drop faster? While owning an electric car has its advantages, such as no road tax, it’s crucial to factor in the long-term considerations, including the unavoidable depreciation of electric cars. Alternatively, if you’re considering selling your electric car, you’ll want to know how to secure the best possible price.

What Does Car Depreciation Mean?

Depreciation refers to the gradual decline in the value of a vehicle over time. Unlike certain assets such as rare jewelry, which can be appreciated, or houses that may gain worth due to market trends and improvements, cars typically experience a decrease in value after their initial sale. 

This diminishing value is influenced by factors like wear and tear, technological advancements in newer models, and changes in consumer preferences. Understanding depreciation is crucial for individuals who consider the future resale value of their vehicles when making purchasing decisions.  

In the context of electric cars, the depreciation dynamic remains a factor to consider. However, electric vehicles (EVs) often demonstrate a more favorable depreciation profile compared to traditional petrol or diesel cars. This is partly due to the increasing demand for electric cars, driven by factors such as rising fuel costs and a growing emphasis on sustainability. As consumers become more inclined towards electric options, the resale value of electric cars tends to hold up better over time. 

Therefore, for those weighing the pros and cons of electric vehicles, the consideration of depreciation rates can provide valuable insights into the long-term financial aspects of owning an electric car.

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Do Electric Vehicles Experience Depreciation? 

Yes, they undergo a depreciation process similar to non-electric vehicles, although they typically preserve their value more robustly compared to petrol and diesel cars. The driving force behind this phenomenon is the heightened demand for electric cars, currently reaching unprecedented levels due to the increasing expenses associated with petrol and diesel fuel.

Factors Affecting Electric Vehicle Depreciation  

To mitigate the depreciation of electric cars, it’s essential to be mindful of certain factors that can accelerate the decline in their resale value:  

High Mileage: 

Electric vehicles with extensive mileage typically command lower resale prices.  


Similar to traditional cars, the value of electric cars diminishes as they age, making older EVs less valuable.  

Battery Condition: 

The depreciation of electric cars is significantly influenced by the condition of their batteries. Older batteries or those displaying low voltage during testing can contribute to increased depreciation.  

EV Type: 

Hybrid models depreciate at a slower rate compared to conventional petrol or diesel cars but at a faster rate than fully electric counterparts.  

Service History: 

The availability of a comprehensive service history positively impacts the resale value, and lacking one can hinder your ability to sell the car at a good price.  

Cosmetic Condition: 

Maintaining the exterior and interior of your electric car in good condition is vital for retaining its value.  

Government Incentives: 

Electric cars are subject to various incentives, such as government grants, which can influence demand. Changes in these incentives, driven by the evolving landscape of electric vehicle adoption, may impact the resale market dynamics by 2035.

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What is the Lifespan of Electric Car Batteries?  

The lifespan of electric car batteries typically falls within the range of 10 to 20 years. The crucial distinction between traditional fuel-powered cars and electric vehicles lies in their batteries, which also contribute to their depreciation. The condition of the electric car battery is vital for the overall value of the vehicle since it is integral to its operation.  

Fortunately, electric car batteries can be easily replaced. However, certain factors can hasten the degradation of the battery, including 

  • overcharging 
  • exposure to extreme temperatures, 
  • immediate charging after driving without allowing for a cool-down period 
  • exclusive use of rapid chargers  

Despite these considerations, it’s important to note that these factors shouldn’t dissuade you from considering an electric vehicle. The wear and tear associated with decades of use are challenges that both petrol and diesel cars also face.

Depreciation Comparison: Electric Cars vs. Petrol Cars  

In general, petrol cars tend to experience higher depreciation rates compared to electric vehicles (EVs). Petrol cars can see depreciation ranging from 15% to 35% in the first year, escalating to 60% or more by the third year. 

Conversely, EVs typically depreciate by approximately 49% after three years, with certain models even exhibiting depreciation rates below 40%.  

It’s worth noting that while some EVs may depreciate at rates comparable to petrol cars, this is often influenced by factors like low demand and a lack of consumer confidence in relatively new electric models entering the market.

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Is the Depreciation Cost for EVs Equivalent to that of Fuel-Powered Vehicles?  

Presently, in India, electric vehicles (EVs) are subjected to the same depreciation rates as traditional motor vehicles, as per the guidelines set by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI). However, there’s an ongoing debate within the Indian insurance industry, with some prominent figures arguing against this practice. 

They contend that it may not be equitable, considering the proportion of the battery’s cost in the total EV price and its comparatively shorter lifespan. For more detailed information, you can refer to the official website of IRDAI.  Despite this, insurers are facing challenges in determining the accurate depreciation timeline for battery-operated vehicles. This difficulty arises from the recent surge in the adoption of EVs in India. 

Currently, these vehicles constitute less than 2% of the total vehicles on Indian roads. It is anticipated that both car insurance companies and the IRDAI will be better positioned to ascertain the depreciation rates for EVs once a sufficient number of them are in circulation, allowing for a comprehensive actuarial evaluation by insurers.

Is the Depreciation of an Electric Car Influenced by its Brand?  

Certainly, the brand of an electric car plays a significant role in determining its depreciation rate. Electric vehicles manufactured by brands renowned for reliability and economical operation tend to experience slower depreciation. 

Notable examples include the Porsche Taycan and Tesla Model 3, which are among the electric cars that retain their value most effectively. Established and trusted brands generally contribute to better value retention compared to less proven brands. Therefore, the manufacturer’s brand is a crucial factor influencing the depreciation rate of an electric car.


To sum up, navigating the landscape of electric car ownership involves understanding the nuances of depreciation. Recognizing that electric cars depreciate, albeit often at a slower rate than their petrol counterparts, is essential for prospective buyers. Factors such as brand reputation, battery condition, and evolving market trends contribute to the depreciation equation. 

For the latest insights and in-depth information on electric vehicles, consider checking out EVInfotain, the leading EV blog in India. Stay informed and make the most of your electric car journey!

Also Read: Bangalore to Chennai Road Trip: Find Your EV Charging Stations


1. How does electric car depreciation compare to petrol cars?

Electric cars generally depreciate at a slower rate than petrol cars, thanks to factors like rising demand and lower operating costs. Reputable brands known for reliability can also contribute to a slower depreciation curve.

2. What are the key factors influencing electric car depreciation?

Important factors include high mileage, age, battery condition, and the overall brand reputation of the electric car. These elements collectively determine how quickly the vehicle loses its value.

3. Can electric car batteries be replaced to combat depreciation?

Yes, electric car batteries can be replaced. However, certain practices such as avoiding overcharging, extreme temperatures, and rapid chargers can help slow down the degradation of the battery and, in turn, reduce depreciation.

4. How does the brand of an electric car affect its depreciation?

The brand of an electric car significantly influences its depreciation rate. Vehicles from trusted brands with a reputation for reliability and low operating costs tend to depreciate more slowly compared to lesser-known brands.

5. Are government incentives considered in electric car depreciation?

Yes, government incentives, such as grants and subsidies, can impact the depreciation of electric cars. Changes in these incentives can affect the demand for both new and used electric vehicles, influencing their overall depreciation rates.

6. How do market trends influence electric car depreciation?

Market trends, including changes in consumer preferences, technological advancements, and government policies, can influence the depreciation of electric cars. Staying informed about these trends is crucial for understanding potential shifts in depreciation rates.

7. Are electric cars more expensive to insure due to depreciation?

Insurance costs are influenced by various factors, and while depreciation plays a role, it is not the sole determinant. Insurance rates depend on factors like the vehicle’s make, model, safety features, and the driver’s history.

8. Are there strategies to minimize electric car depreciation?

Yes, maintaining good practices such as regular battery care, avoiding overcharging, and adhering to recommended charging procedures can help minimize electric car depreciation. Additionally, choosing a reputable brand known for reliability can positively impact depreciation rates.

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